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Join us for RUNWAY LATINxYour Fashion Week

Runway Latinx (RLx) is founded and produced by Arabel Alva Rosales, J.D., who was co-founder of Latino Fashion Week (LFW) for over thirteen years. RLx is a platform that during three days local and international designers on the runway, and gives all those in the fashion and opportunity to express their creativity and expand their market - without limits. RLx also provides the incredible Experience of Gastronomy through featured top Chefs, Mixology, and Music(a). You can encounter Runway Latinx “We Flourish”

This year, Runway Latinx will be hosted by Pivoting in Heels, a digital Non-for-Profit motivated to empower women and provide them with insight and professional tips to successfully pivot through every area of their lives. Additionally, part of the profits will be used to raise funds for Internship scholarships presented to Latinas and other BIPOC women.