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Become A Sponsor Rlx

Become a Sponsor RLx

Sponsorship Opportunity


Runway Latinx (RLx) is a three day event that is hosted and benefitting Pivoting in Heels, NFP, a non-profit that empowers women. RLx has become one of the most important and successful fashion events in the city. In addition, RLx is a platform for the exchange of experiences and the possibility of creating new business strategies. RLx has an attendance of approximately 1,000 people during the three days of the event, in addition to thousands of people being reached in the days around the event with our digital coverage, in the local, national, and international press.

The three day event gives an opportunity for sponsors to come face-to-face with primary celebrities, musical talents, media, and consumers. Supporters are well-educated, affluent, and committed to supporting the Latinx community. Many influencers, business and community leaders are supportive and participate yearly in our event.

Runway Latinx, , will showcase top Latinx designers in order to expose their artistic talents and bring exquisite fashion to the Chicago stage. Top-chefs and mixologists will also be in the spotlight. Through this RLx event, we will be creating employment opportunities and training for those who are involved behind the scenes. We are proud to open the door for those who are interested in the industries that will be represented during Runway Latinx every October.

The benefactor and host, Pivoting in Heels, NFP is a digital Non-for-Profit dedicated to empowering Women and providing them with the insight and professional tips to successfully pivot through every area of their lives. Some of the funds raised during Runway Latinx will be used for scholarships presented to young Women of Color by Pivoting in Heels, NFP.

Please complete the form below if you are interested in becoming a sponsor and we will get back to you shortly!